Winter Driving Video Script
"Ice and Snow, Take it Slow" [Video of Jeff Monroe inspecting truck, climbing in] As a veteran snow plow driver for the Indiana Department of Transportation, Jeff Monroe has had his share of close calls. “Quote from Jeff Monroe” [Video of motorist looking over a snowy car, scraping off windshield.] Luckily, by taking some simple steps and always remembering, Ice and Snow, Take it Slow, you can avoid be involved in a serious winter-weather crash. The first step to staying safe during the winter driving season is being prepared. “Quote from AAA spokesperson” [Graphic illustrations with safety messages] Here's what you need to know before you go. Find out about the driving conditions before leaving home. Clear any snow off your vehicle, make sure you can see and be seen. Inspect your car. A breakdown is bad on a good day and dangerous on a bad-weather day. And, leave plenty of time to reach your destination. [Video of trucks and cars driving in wintry conditions] The first ice or snow is always the most dangerous. Don't forget to leave plenty of room between cars and drive according to the conditions. "Quote from Indiana State Police officer" Remember to watch for black ice, even when pavement appears dry. And, don't get overconfident with your four-wheel drive. It may help you get going faster, but it won't help you stop any sooner. "Quote from Indiana State Police officer" [Video of snow plows at work and shots of snow plow drivers in the cabin of plow trucks] When it comes to driving around snow plows, be especially careful. "Quote from snow plow driver" Give snow plows room to work, slow down, keep your distance and watch for sudden turns. Remember, those yellow plow trucks are out on the road to keep you safe. [More video of drivers in wintry conditions] When you must drive in ice and snow, proceed with caution. Give yourself space, brake early and slowly, turn off your cruise control and be aware of what's going on ahead of you. Above all, don't forget the most important rule. Ice and snow, take it slow. The Indiana Department of Transportation wants you to know that following these few simple rules can help keep you and your loved ones safe on Hoosier roads this winter. |